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21 Bday- ryeika


Today we celebrate 21 years of joy

and love,

and care,

and laughter, 

that soulful hearty laughter,

that can bring a smile to the weariest of hearts.

And we thank God for you.

Today we celebrate the strong woman you are

and the courage

and resilience

and 'fighter spirit'

that inspirational 'fighter spirit '

that takes whatever life throws at you with positivity and immence strength.

And we thank God for you.

Today we send you blessings

for health

and happiness

and success

loud, colourful, joyous success 

in every sphere of your life.

And we thank God for you.

Today we renue our promice to always be there.

to hold your hand in tough times

to laugh with you in good times

to walk with you, 

every step of the way

every wonderous or wearisome step

And we will always thank God for you.


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