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Showing posts from 2024

In celebration of a friend on her 50th Birthday

 My warrior friend Her signature wry humor cracks us up her laugh, hearty, wholesome is infectious, and we spend countless hours on the phone laughing till our bodies shake and our hearts feels buoyant, alive and loved. We bare our souls, our stories matter,  we give advise, share, care and she is always the rock, her shoulder always steady, so I can lean on it and rest my weary head, till I feel rested, stronger and brighter.   Her story is one of resilience her path riddled with boulders that knocked down happiness and self esteem, but she rose dauntless, she stopped enduring, her courage fierce, inspiring and relentless. And so I call her my warrior friend an always there friend, who listens without judgement, holds space for my choas, and makes my life better, shinier, lovlier.